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Косовский певач - поющие куры

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Сообщения Сообщения : 5093
Поблагодарили Поблагодарили : 263
Имя : Михалыч
Откуда Откуда : Полтава
Работа/Хобби Работа/Хобби : Птицевод
Настроение Настроение : Жив и слава Богу

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СообщениеТема: Косовский певач - поющие куры   куры - Косовский певач - поющие куры Empty2018-05-23, 22:22

Working Standards for the Kosovo Longcrower


Shape: long, with a slightly bent back, proud and high posture, elegant, the head is in a higher position in relation to the tail tips.
Body: long, elegant, with a light weight but strong structure.
Height: the back is 36-38 cm, the head is 60 - 62 cm. 
Weight: from 2.4 kg to 3.250 kg 

Head: in proportion with its body, with a comb (crest). The comb can be in the shape of the letter V, which leans forward, or it is partially leaning backwards and forward, or may lean just backwards.
Beak: average long, hard, slightly bent downwards, in a yellow (gold), or white color. At the tip of the beak there can be two horns covered by the crest, or there are no horns at all. Sometimes there is a soft spot between the beak and the crest. 
Lobes: in proportion to the head, but sometimes they can be longer, with a bright reddish color. 
Face: red, smooth, it can have very short feathers, which can hardly be seen, there is a thin layer of feathers over the eyes that end at the crest. 
Eyes: orange red - covered with a shadowlike color, sometimes giving the impression that they are black (the color of eyes changes through years).
The under-ears: almond-shaped, red colored like its face, with pale white or grey highlights, which are slightly noticeable. 
Neck: long and strong, very beautiful, in proportion with the part where it is linked with the wings. 
Back: long, slightly bent downwards towards the tail. 
Chest: completely commensurable with the part over and under the chest, as well as with the stomach, upward and slightly curved.
Stomach: slightly noticed, or not noticed at all
Wings: in proportion with the body, hanging slightly sideward, following the body line towards the tail.
Tail: sloping, 20 to 30 degrees upwards, with long feathers, two of which are longer than the others and turned downwards; the feathers of the tail are beautifully spread out on the bottom. 
Legs: featherless, strong, in proportion with the body, olive-green, but in gold color underneath, in rare cases may be grey or black, whereas the claws are analogous with the beak (the color of the claws can be different) 
Thighs: noticeable up to the middle part, elegant. 
Feathers: close fitting with an intense glow. 
Color: always black (the wings can sometimes be sprinkled with red or gold color). A white feather can appear on the head or on the body as they mature.
Singing: long, soft, melodic, lasts from 20-40, or even 60 seconds. If crossbred with other breeds, it will loose the melody and the length of the voice.
Identification: does not depend on the shape or color of the crest , it depends on the length of his melodic voice ; this is an essential element by which the Kosovo longcrower is identified .
Breeding : it is difficult to be bred , because the Pedigree should be always taken into account. It hardly resists the warm climate and high temperatures.
Ring: 20 mm
Errors: There are not significant errors , all body parts are in proportion and harmony with each other, happens to have a white spot on the body, or on the head. As they mature, a white or red feather can appear on its body or on the head.


Shape: gracious, elegant, long posture, with expressive movements, the head is kept higher in relation to the tip of the tail.
Body: full-fledged, light, proud posture, more tender in relation to the rooster. 
Height: back 30 -32 cm, head 44 - 46 cm. 
Weight: from 1.5 kg to 2.2 kg 

Head: small, in proportion with the body, has a crest (hat-comb). The crest can be in the shape of the letter V, which leans forward, or it is partially leaning forward or backward, or just leaning backwards. 
Beak: average long, hard, slightly bent downwards, in a yellow (gold) color or white, ending with a slightly darker brown color. At the tip of the beak there can be two horns covered by the crest, or there are no horns at all. Sometimes there is a soft spot between the beak and the crest. 
Lobes: in proportion with the head, but sometimes they can be longer, with a bright reddish color.
Face: red, smooth, it can have very short feathers, which can hardly be seen, there is a thin layer of feathers over the eye that end at the crest.
Eyes: orange red - covered with a shadowlike color, sometimes giving the impression that they are black (the color of eyes changes through years).
The under-ears: almond-shaped, red colored like its face, with pale white or grey highlights, which are slightly noticeable. 
Neck: long and strong, very beautiful, in proportion with the part where it is linked with the wings.
Back: long, slightly bent downwards towards the tail. 
Chest: completely commensurable with the part over and under the chest, as well as with the stomach, upward and slightly curved.
Stomach: particularly noticed at the hens that are laying eggs.
Wings: in proportion with the body, following the body line towards the tail. 
Tail: sloping, 10 to 20 degrees upwards, with long feathers, which are beautifully spread out on the bottom. 
Legs: featherless, strong, in proportion with the body, olive-green, but in gold color underneath, in rare cases may be grey or black, whereas the claws are analogous with the beak (the color of the claws can be different) 
Thighs: noticeable up to the middle part, elegant.
Feathers: close fitting with an average glow. 
Color: always black. A white feather can appear on the head or on the body as they mature.
Singing: the hen is also able to produce long sounds, especially during the high summer temperatures.
Eggs: the weight of eggs changes depending on the age. The eggs are white, or cream with slightly seen dots.
Breeding : it is difficult to be bred , because the Pedigree should be always taken into account. It hardly resists the warm climate and high temperatures . 
Ring: 18 mm

Errors: There are not significant errors , all body parts are in proportion and harmony with each other, happens to have a white spot on the body, or on the head. As they mature, a white or red feather can appear on its body or on the head .
When hatched, they are usually brown , but as soon as the feathers are developed they turn black.
Roosters start crowing by the fifth to seventh month, whereas the hens start laying eggs at the eighth month.

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